Friday 29 May 2020

Matariki quiz

Today for literacy medals we had to do a Matariki quiz and three things you learned from it

1 what time of year the stars come out

2 how Matariki is celebrated I didn't know that some times people celebrate by eating

3 and the last thing I learned was where the stars appear in the sky

The easiest part for me was doing the quiz because there were only 10 questions and they weren't that hard And the most difficult part for me was knowing what the questions answers were for some of them because I don't really know much about Matariki but now I know a little bit more. And maybe next time I could do the quiz again so then I can get them all right because I now know the answers  By Harrison

Blog contract

If I could go back to one event it would be in the Christmas holidays because I and some kids from Christchurch went biking all day and jumped the whole time. We would start jumping at like 9:00am every day and would come home at like 9:30pm because it wasn't dark because it wasn't daylight saving. and some of there names we're Jonty and jasper (jabber) and they were from Christchurch. And some were from Greymouth and Moana and their names were Saxon and James. so that's the time I would go back to because it was really fun playing with them the whole day and the only time we would go back to our houses in the day was for lunch and tea.

Today for finishing off time I had to do a blog contract about a time I would go back to and why I would go back. And the easiest part for me was choosing what time I would go back to because it was so fun. By Harrison

Friday 22 May 2020

literacy medals

To my past self 

To my past self I now am out of lockdown and i am going to school again and it is really cool seeing my friends again because i haven't seen them in like 7 weeks. And now like everyday i have been going biking with my friends because we have made a bike track and the bike track has like 7 jumps but we’re still making more jumps and even Wilbur has rode over them with Braye and he thought it was really cool!!. And on tuesday Nikau came to the track and hit this drop and went over the bars and it was really funny but then he did it again and made it so that was fun to watch and Kohen got it on video so thats even better so we can look at it as much as we want. 

Thursday 21 May 2020

maths medals

Today for maths medals we had to do the table at the top and then work out the correct measurements for the next one but down the bottom, I'm not sure if that's what you do. And the easiest part for me was doing the table at the top. And the hardest part for me was doing the bottom because I didn't really know what to do. By Harrison

Wednesday 13 May 2020

literacy medals

Today for literacy medals we had to watcha video and get information to put on this slide and here's mine hope you enjoy. The easiest part for me was watching the video because it didn't go for long. And the most difficult part for me was writing it all down because there was a lot to write but not to much. By Harrison

maths medals

Today for maths medals we had to watch a video and then do this activity and here is mine hope you enjoy. The easiest part for me was doing the first four because they were really easy and fast to do. And the most difficult part for me was doing the last two because they were a bit harder than the first ones. And my favourite part was figuring them out because they weren't that hard and not really easy so it was fun. By Harrison

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Literacy medals

Today for literacy medals we had to make an ecosystem that would work and explain why it works together and here's mine hope you enjoy. The easiest part for me was writing why it works together because I planed it before i did it. And the hardest part for me was getting the goat's platform to stay there. By Harrison

Monday 11 May 2020

Literacy medals

today for literacy medals we had to watch a video and answer these questions and this is mine. And the easiest part for me was watching the video because it was fun finding stuff out that I didn't know before. and the hardest part for me was probably nothing because it wasn't that hard listening to a video and going on to a website to find out three questions. By Harrison

Friday 8 May 2020

literacy medals

Today for literacy medals we had to make a creature and explain why it suits its ecosystems and yesterday for my brother's schoolwork they made cloud doe so I made a plankdog for my school work today and its name is plankdog hope you enjoy. And the easiest part for me was making the creature because it only took like 15 minutes to cut it out. And the hardest part for me was probably explaining why it suits its ecosystem. By Harrison

Thursday 7 May 2020

literacy medals

Today for literacy medals we had to watch a video and get some new words for our ecosystems research thing. And the easiest part for me was doing the quiz because we already had the answers and I got none wrong. And my favourite was writing it because I like writing but there wasn't much. By Harrison

maths medals

Today for maths medals we learned to identify factors of numbers up to 100. The easiest part for me was figuring out if the numbers could only be multiplied by one. And my favourite part was figuring out the 98 one because it was the hardest one to do on here. and next time I would get someone to write some more for me to do. by Harrison

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Literacy medals

Today for literacy medals we were doing more ecosystem stuff and here is what I did. The easiest part for me was reading the book because it's not that hard to read a ten-minute book. And the hardest part for me was drawing the picture because it took a long time to do. when a lot of possums were in new Zealand my grandad used to hunt them to get there fur and he still some possum fur.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

literacy medals

Today for literacy medals we had to go outside and draw a picture of our garden and then label things with our ecosystem words. the easiest part for me was drawing the picture because it only took 10 minutes. And my favourite part was going outside and drawing the picture. And the hardest part for me was probably remembering what a consumer and stuff like that is but now I know how to do it.

Monday 4 May 2020

literacy medals

 Today for literacy medals we had to watch a video and then write some stuff and take a picture of that stuff around your house. The easiest part for me was taking the pictures but because it was raining the grass was very slippery and I fell over and my phone got all muddy. And it was really fun going outside and taking pictures because I hadn't been outside today. By Harrison

Maths medals

Today for maths medals we had to do some squared numbers so if you had 5 you would times it by its self so it's 5x5. The easiest part for me was doing 4x4 and 6x6 because there really simple. And the most difficult part for me was doing 14 x14 because I didn't know my 14 times tables so what I did was I used 7x7 = 49 and 49x2=98 so if you add ten to 98 but you had to do it twice so 108x 2 =216 and 216-20 because we added 20 so its 196. by Harrison

Friday 1 May 2020


 Today for literacy medals we had to pick an activity from our blog contract and I picked a quiz so here is the quiz I made hope you enjoy. The easiest part for me was Thinking of the questions and writing the questions because it was really fast to do because you don't have to write much. And the most difficult part for me was probably nothing because it was all pretty easy. By Harrison