Thursday 22 November 2018

how to make a maths game

step 1
    open your Chromebook and put your password in then go to google chrome and type google drive and go down the page until you find google drive click on the link by clicking on the plus button in the top left corner to create a new slide then press on the google slides button.

step 2 
  Now you have a slideshow. Go to the top left corner and press on the title and it there should be a white box that says click to add a title.   Name it my maths game or our maths game.

step 3
           Under that, there should be another box that says click to add subtitle click on it and write who it's by so write your name.

step 4
          Under where it says untitled presentation there should be a plus button click it once and under that there should be a number that says 2 and 1 click on number two but not on the number that piece of white/blank paper click on that

Step 5 Go to the very top of your Chromebook it should have another plus button and click it and you will have another new tab in step 6
 in the middle of the screen it will say Google under there it'll say search Google or type URL click on it and write a character whatever you want and get a background step 7
 And click on them and click and drag pictures back to your slice and let go and should go if it's not big enough click on the picture and go to the corner and drag it until it's bigger and then make another slide and click the square button in the on the top of your screen and get some boxes and press one of your keys and then press one of your kids then press the button that says control and at the same time press k step 8
 and then let go of the kit let go of the teeth and button under link it go down until then the slide number that's the slides right or wrong and click it and then it will say kicked and right I don't wrong number alright number then you're done just need questions and keep doing it

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