Friday 26 February 2021

Blog contract

 Today in Whenua we did an activity from our blog contract I chose the weekend sports activity above is 3 weekend sports that I like to do. The easiest part for me Choosing an activity because that was the most interesting thing to do so I did it. And the most difficult part for me was writing why I like to do sports because i couldn't think of why I like them so much. 

French research


Every Tuesday we do french and for french, we had to research about a country or place that speaks french above is a picture of my research. The easiest part for me was choosing a place to research because there was only a couple option so I chose Chad. The most difficult part for me was finding information because I couldn't find anything interesting.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Beloning to me poem

 Today in Whenua we had to write a poem about something we own and I decided to do my bike above is the poem I wrote about my bike. The easiest part for me was thinking about what i would do for my poem because my bike is my favourite thing. The most difficult part for me was making it make sense because you can't really mention things like dirty more than once. By Harrison 

Monday 22 February 2021

The tree of life

 She held hope in her outstretched hands. Kneeling gently on the ground, she prepared herself for what she knew she must do. The cool water trickled through her muddy fingers, and the soft, black earth felt comfortingly warm on her palms.

Planting the tree of life would mean a new beginning. The opportunities were endless…

Feeling the excitement course through her quivering body, she lowered the tree of life into the small hole she had prepared. It was time. After 1 month the tree was 4x its original height. Since it has gotten bigger it has blocked the little stream right off, but tonight it was very stormy so the stream was rushing faster than usual. So it went right over the roots on the tree and back onto its normal path but the normal path was full of dead leaves from the powerful winds the winds were so powerful that all the leaves from the tree blew off. And the roots from the tree were getting so much water that the tree was beginning to slowly die off. And the worst thing about it was that if it died everyone else would die so heaps of people were blocking the stream off so they could maybe save the tree. sadly people were losing hope in the tree but they kept on trying and trying for weeks and finally, the tree started to become healthy again but they knew it would take about a fortnight to be completely healthy again. 2 weeks later. The tree was back to normal with the little stream going slow again. In fact, the tree was healthier than ever so good people will be able to breathe for hundreds of years if the dam doesn't break and people look after it. And maybe just maybe there will be more trees by then.

Monday 15 February 2021

WALT use descriptive language

 It was a shiny hot day in Moana when everybody was jumping off the bridge or on their boats. After I went swimming I went over to the golden sand that was burning hot. It was so hot I couldn't even walk on it so I had to walk in the clear blue water. It was so clear I could see the little slimy eels because I opened up the shells and chucked them back in for the eels to chomp on later. Once we saw them we decided to get a hand line and try and catch one. 30 seconds later one little slimy one came and swallowed the bait but when we got it out of the water the sharp hook was only in its lip so it was easy to get out. Once it was out we chucked it back in but I had slime all over my hands but it drys very quick so it took about 10 minutes to scrub the dark brown slime off. After it was off we went out on the lake when we got deeper we could see the long green lake weed. When we touched it we all started swimming faster because it felt weird on our feet and we also knew that the big eels hide in the lake weed and we did not want to get bitten. When we came back in we went back home because it was about 5:00pm.

Thursday 4 February 2021

All about me slide


Today in Whenua we had to do a all about me slide so tomorrow we can start drawing our self-portraits above is the slide that the self-portrait is going to be on. The easiest part for me was writing my hobbies because they are easier to think of because I do them heaps. And the most difficult part for me was brainstorming about me because there weren't heaps to write about my hobbies and interests and also family. By Harrison 

Kawa of care

 Today in Whenua we went over the kawa of care to make sure we remember all the rules that we signed when we got our Chromebooks at the end, we had to pick a number out of a hat and that number would have a rule of the kawa of care to explain and mine was when I take my Chromebook home I will bring it to school charged and in good condition every day. The easiest part for me was explaining what to do as soon as I get home. And the most difficult part for me was at the start thinking about how I am going to explain it. By Harrison