Monday 15 February 2021

WALT use descriptive language

 It was a shiny hot day in Moana when everybody was jumping off the bridge or on their boats. After I went swimming I went over to the golden sand that was burning hot. It was so hot I couldn't even walk on it so I had to walk in the clear blue water. It was so clear I could see the little slimy eels because I opened up the shells and chucked them back in for the eels to chomp on later. Once we saw them we decided to get a hand line and try and catch one. 30 seconds later one little slimy one came and swallowed the bait but when we got it out of the water the sharp hook was only in its lip so it was easy to get out. Once it was out we chucked it back in but I had slime all over my hands but it drys very quick so it took about 10 minutes to scrub the dark brown slime off. After it was off we went out on the lake when we got deeper we could see the long green lake weed. When we touched it we all started swimming faster because it felt weird on our feet and we also knew that the big eels hide in the lake weed and we did not want to get bitten. When we came back in we went back home because it was about 5:00pm.

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