Friday 12 June 2020

Literacy medals

Water wastage 

You might not think that water is important but because it takes two minutes. if there was an earthquake you can not get water because pipes in the ground might be broken. And sometimes you can line up for water but you would quickly realize how much water a person needs a day. For example in Auckland, it hasn’t rained in a couple of months so they have very low water availability. And one-day people might realize every drop counts.

The effect is they have to line up for hours just to get water and sometimes it takes up to like 5 hours which is a long time just to get a couple liters of water and people might have to line up a couple of times a day. And that would not be fun. But if you want the water you have to.

In places like Africa where elephants live there might not be any water so they find these special trees and dig at the roots to get water if there is no water available for them. The water that they get is called groundwater.

Some farmers are setting up fog nets to catch water for their cows since they are running low on water and if we keep giving cows water they will be able to survive and if they are dairy cows we will be able to have milk with our cereal.

Fact: we are still using water that existed on earth millions of years ago from when dinosaurs were around.

Water is the most precious thing in the world because if you didn't have water you would get really thirsty but that's not the worst thing you would not be able to live because you would not be hydrated which means you would die after a couple of days. And things like cows sheep and things would die so pretty much the whole world would die and nothing living would be on earth except maybe fish if there is still a little bit of water really far out in the ocean. But it would definitely not be enough for 7.8 billion people to live.

Sometimes they get water from the sea and process it trough big machines and turn it into the water we can drink. In our class, we have a plant in a plastic bag and it gets so much condensation it has enough water to live for a while.

Today for literacy medals we had to write an information article on water wastage because that is the book my reading group read this week. The easiest part for me was reading the story because it didn't take that long. And the hardest part for me was writing 410 words because it took two days to do because there was a lot of information. By Harrison

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