Friday 24 April 2020

Maths medals

Today for Maths medals We did rounding decimals to the nearest odd number. For this, i did quite a lot but I could have done more but by then you could hardly see the numbers. The easiest part for me drawing the lines and looking if the numbers were odd as a whole number. And the hardest part for me was being able to see the numbers after I had gone over them a couple times. By Harrison


  1. Great work Harrison! You really went above and beyond with this one! I can see how it have become very tricky to read the numbers if you had gone over them a few times. I really like how you have used different colours so I can follow the paths. Maybe as a challenge you could create one yourself and send it to Quaid and Kohen to do?

  2. Nicely done Harrison, I liked how you gave each trail it's own colour. You spent quite a lot of time doing this, Well done. What do you think you could do differently next time so you could see the numbers easier? Sharron


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