Monday 16 December 2019

Summer learning journey week 1

This week for the summer learning journey we are pretending that we are on a boat for three weeks and you have to bring 10 food items but they have to be something that doesn't go in a fridge or freezer.

1. I would have fruit like pineapple pears apple and strawberries: etc 

2. I would bring a lot of water because we are on the boat for three weeks and you are meant to have 8 cups of water a day and if you don't have water you would die.

3. I would bring lots of protein bars so I have heaps of energy.

4. I would bring lots of chips so I don't get hungry and so I have something yummy to eat.

5. I would bring lots of nuts and peanuts because there healthy.

6. I would also bring oats because they are everyday food.

7. I would bring some cake so I have something yum to eat on the boat.

8. I would also bring some more fruit so we can eat healthily and make fruit kebabs.

9. I would definitely bring a sandwich so I'm really healthy.

10. the last thing I would bring is cookies because they are really yum.

By Harrison

1 comment:

  1. Hey Harrison!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Amazing job on this blog post! You have a really detailed list that I can see you thought about carefully! Water is definitely something you would need while you’re away at sea! It’s clever that you thought to bring lots of water because you are absolutely right, we’re meant to have eight cups a day! Protein bars was another really good idea! They would last the whole trip and make sure you wouldn’t get too hungry! I liked how you were thinking of foods that would last the whole trip and are healthy, as well as some yummy ones like cakes and cookies!

    Is there any equipment you would want to take with you too? You mentioned making fruit kebabs, what would you need to make those?

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post! Thank you for taking the time to think of all these foods!



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